Christchurch interior design.
How did you become interested in interiors?
My mother has wonderful taste and growing up around her fostered my love of interiors, art, objects and gardens. A few years after university, I moved to London and worked for a leading designer on a number of extraordinary private residences throughout London and the countryside. I returned home to Christchurch to establish my store, Lawn, and to launch my own interior design firm. My current projects include country homesteads, inner-city Christchurch and Auckland homes, a Queenstown retreat, and a private members club in Christchurch.
Do you use your home as a testing ground for your ideas?
I don’t really test ideas. I am always very sure of design concepts. Every room and every home is so different.
Astier de Villatte ceramics.
Describe your interior style at home.
Lots of layers. Quite English. Lots of colour.
What’s your favourite recent design by another designer?
Veere Grenney’s redesigned bamboo house on the Caribbean island of Mustique. It looks phenomenal!
What inspires you?
Books, art, history and travel.
Living room interiors by Jessica Close.
Which living designer do you most admire and why?
So many! Will Fisher, Rose Uniacke, Ben Pentreath, Mark Sikes, Veere Grenney, Peter Dunham. It’s so important to look to a diverse range of design. I was taught very early on ‘never say never’ when it comes to interiors.
Which New Zealand designer to you most admire?
The architect Thom Craig. I have been fortunate enough to work on the interiors of two of his homes.
Drawing room by Jessica Close.
Do you have any tips for arranging spaces?
Listen to the house! Spaces should be comfortable and harmonious.
What’s a favourite design purchase from overseas?
Astier de Villatte ceramics.
What’s your favourite time of day?
At night when the curtains are drawn, the lamps are on and conversation is lively.
London sitting room by Ben Pentreath.
Shop Details:
Lawn Showroom, 212 Madras St, Christchurch (by appointment only)