Q & A with Bay of Plenty interior designer Krista Plews 2018

Spatial designer Krista Plews and her product designer husband Tim dreamed of opening a design store that would enable them to work with creatives. When Canadian Krista and Kiwi Tim washed up in Mount Maunganui, Paper Plane was born.


Describe your home style

When we bought in 2017, we covered every possible surface in white paint. The blank canvas was exhilarating. It removed style limitations from our minds. Tim likes strong contrasts and vintage pieces, I love organic materials and timeless design. We decided to style our home slowly and spontaneously, collecting pieces from creative people and as we travel. It’s far from complete, but we love what we see happening around us so far.

What inspires you about living in your region? 

The Bay of Plenty, and Mount Maunganui specifically, is a magical place. We meet lots of brilliant young designers, artists and entrepreneurs through our store and they bring in new ideas and inspiration. We’re all here for the laidback lifestyle. There’s a wonderful sense of community, support and balance that’s inspiring.

Collectibles add character and personality to a home, Krista has even named a few of her favourites, including a penguin, rabbit and owl.

What’s the last thing you bought for your home?

Tim’s belated Christmas present to me. It’s a vintage painted concrete penguin from France. His name is Benedict (after Benedict Cumberbatch who can’t pronounce penguin – Google it), and he sits in our lounge. One of our Maine Coon cats, Ernie, wraps around his feet every afternoon while napping, so he feels like family. 

Favourite room in the house?

The lounge – it’s the heart of our open living area and is bathed in warm sunlight most of the day. It feels casual and comfortable, but every piece of furniture in this room is really special, so I feel very content there.

List some of the pieces you love.

Two relaxed grey linen Citta sofas; Parallel chairs in olive leather by Simon James; a taxidermy rabbit and vintage owl (named Angus and Agge after my father and grandfather); a vintage French leather gym mat that Tim designed a base for and now serves as a coffee table; and a big cactus named Miller after the Broadchurch TV character. 

If money was no object, what would you buy?

Original art from local and international artists.

What should every home have?

Quality utilities. Invest in practical items that are used every day. Up to eight hours per night is spent in bed, so buy a good mattress. A deep and comfortable sofa for curling up on with family and good friends is an absolute must. Quality kitchen knives are also worth every dollar spent, just be sure to never put them in the dishwasher.  


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