Q&A with Manawatū interior designer Gabbi McAulley of King & Teppett 2021

A recent arrival to Palmerston North from Perth, Western Australia, interior designer Gabbi McAullay is loving the Kiwi countryside as much as her creative role at King & Teppett, the largest interior design showroom in the lower North Island.

How would you describe your style?

Eclectic, with a mix of treasured furniture and artwork. My style is constantly evolving and I’m always changing things around, introducing new pieces, putting away things that no longer inspire me. We live in a weatherboard cottage that we’ve renovated, but plan to build a bigger, more modern house on our farm.


What inspires you about living in your region?

I moved from Perth 18 months ago to my husband’s family farm and I’m loving the Manawatū. The changing colours of the seasons are inspiring. In Perth, we lived in a mid-century house in the suburbs and the views were nowhere near as spectacular. I had more colour in my house in Perth because it wasn’t distracting from the view. Here, I’ve kept the palette more neutral to be in keeping with the landscape.

What’s the last thing you bought for your home?

A beautiful long-haired sheepskin to add comfort and warmth to the lounge.


What’s one of the first items you bought for your home?

Original artworks while I was working in a gallery and design store. It began a long love affair with art and the impact it can have on an interior. I have some charcoal-on-paper nudes by Perth artist Ian De Souza – they are so timeless and are hung in my hallway and bedroom. Other loved artworks are oil-on-canvas abstracts by Perth artists Matthew Farris and Damion Blundell, which are hung in the bedrooms and living areas.

What’s your favourite room in the house?

The kitchen, with a round table in the middle where we gather for most meals. It looks out to paddocks, the golden elm and poplar trees. We have French doors to the deck – the whole room can be opened in summer, but you can still appreciate the views in the cooler months. My table was an amazing find at a second-hand shop – it’s Danish mid-century teak, which I have with black and natural replica wishbone chairs.


If you were renovating, where would you spend the bulk of your budget and why?

The kitchen. It’s the most-used room, so the bigger the better. Definitely a big walk-in pantry where all the appliances could be housed so that the kitchen benches can be clear. And an Aga if the budget allowed.

If money was no object, what would you splurge on?

Heated floors throughout the house and a heated pool would be amazing. I’d splurge on quality, comfortable furniture that will stand the test of time.


You have a day to refresh your house. What do you do?

Clean, declutter, add new cushions and greenery. I love house plants such as kentia palms and fiddle-leaf figs. Trailing plants look amazing on a high shelf.



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