Spice Build's Story 2020

This year we are celebrating 30 Years of House of the Year! Over the next few months we are going to be shining a light on some of the people who have played a massive part in the competition. Keep an eye out on our channels as our members share some of their best memories as a builder.



“After studying design at Victoria University, I decided I wanted a hands-on career. I wanted a job where I could work outdoors and earn while doing my apprenticeship. That was about 13 years ago, and I have never looked back.

The practical skills you learn are second to none. Being able to use these skills on your own property is a huge advantage.

We won Supreme Renovation at House of the Year in 2019. The Award was for a 135-year-old former church that we converted into 3 luxurious apartments. Working on a 1900’s church was surreal. Seeing how builders from the past built things without power tools gave us an appreciation for how far things had come.” – Matt Spicer, Spice Build


The Update: Market Report 2018

The new and interesting. This is a round-up of the season’s best


A quick word with Queenstown furniture designer Ed Cruikshank (Southern 2023)

Designer and artist Ed Cruikshank isn’t just creating furniture in his Queenstown Basin studio, he’s also making memories.
